4月5日起2020春季班課程全面改為線上教學 Online-teaching starting from April 5th for Spring Semester
因應越趨嚴重的COVID-19疫情發展,校方在無法掌握何時能夠再度回到學園授課,也在為保障全體師生的健康安全第一的前提下,校長上週特別召開臨時會議和董事會及各班老師討論後決議:4月5日起2020春季班課程全面改為線上教學(八週),文化課全面暫停。學校和老師們將會陸續寄出各項通知, 請家長們耐心等候。
春季班重新更改學校行事曆如下: *Important Events Only*:
3/15 學生春假/老師線上教學預備週(第1週)
3/22 & 3/29 學生春假/老師線上教學預備週(第2&3週)
4/05 線上教學開始
4/26 班際認字比賽取消
5/03 (原運動會日)3/08補課
5/24 國殤紀念日放假
5/31 線上教學結束/學期結束
Due to the unpredictable nature of the COVID-19 outbreak in our community, the school can no longer predict when classes will be resumed under normal operation. To ensure that students can continue learning Chinese during this time, the Principal called for several meetings with the Board and all language teachers last week. With the full support from the Board and our teachers, WSCLC will convert the language classes to online-teaching starting from April 5th until the end of the Spring 2020 semester (8 weeks). Unfortunately, there will be no culture classes during this time. More details and additional information will be issued from the school and class teachers in the next 2 weeks.
(Updated) Spring 2020 School Calendar *Important Events Only*:
3/15 Student Holiday/Teacher’s work day (Week 1)
3/22 & 3/29 Spring Break/ Teacher’s work day (Week 2&3)
4/05 Online-Teaching Kick-Off
4/26 Word Recognition Contest CANCELLED
5/03 (originally Field Day) Makeup Class for 3/08
5/24 Memorial Day Holiday
5/31 Last Day of Online-Teaching /End of 2020 School Year