新春晚會 Chinese New Year Party on 2/5/2023

華府中文學校將於 2/5/2023 傍晚4點45到7點在伍頓高中餐廳舉辦新春晚會。即日起至星期日1/29/2023止,您可預訂便當,飲料和預購抽獎彩票。晚會當天,您還有機會購買抽獎彩票,彩票每張一元。 *** 晚會現場不販售便當,敬請見諒!***
請使用此 鏈接 訂購您的食物、飲料和抽獎券。
WSCLC will hold a Chinese New Year party at the Wootton High School cafeteria on 2/5/2023 from 4:45pm to 7pm.
From now until Sunday 1/29/2023, you can pre-order bentos, drinks and pre-order raffle tickets. At the party, you will also have the opportunity to buy raffle tickets, each ticket is one dollar.
*** We do not sell bento at the party! Thank you for understanding! ***
Please use the link to order your food, drink and raffle tickets.